
阳阳中文(阅读版)第二册课程 扫二维码继续学习 二维码时效为半小时

中文初级课程,适用于有简单中文基础的6-8岁学生。 学会205个字词,儿歌童谣12首,阅读故事10篇。

Young Chinese-Developing Reading Skills, Level 2

This is a beginner Chinese language course, which is suitable for 6-8 year- old students. You will learn 205 characters/words, 12 nursery rhymes and 10 stories.

$49.99  $39.99 8 折

Hi peeps!!! Here is a message... We are going to have apple cups for lunch on Monday well.... I din't mean you have t for lunch

Hayley · 2022-02-18 · 家庭作业 0


Young Chinese Team
