阳阳中文(阅读版)全球班【五年级】 Closed

阳阳中文(阅读版)全球班【五年级】 扫二维码继续学习 二维码时效为半小时
Young Chinese Global Class (Grade 5)

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Overview of Cloud Classes

>>> Relevant Courses: Cloud classes can be formed for all Young Chinese online courses. Individualized instruction is provided by the teacher by means of such multimedia courseware as videos, audios, FLASH, images and text materials.
>>> Class Members: Any individual the world over taking a Young Chinese – Developing Reading Skills online course (Level 5) is eligible for a cloud class.


>>> Young Chinese cloud classes are taught by professional teachers with years of experience in teaching Chinese overseas. They provide support as well instruction all the way through the course.

How Cloud Classes Work

>>> Participants study the relevant course online and off-line with the student book.
>>> Teachers give tutorials through videos, audios, images and text materials.
>>> Participants interact with the teacher. They can raise questions for the teacher to answer, discuss with the teacher difficult problems regarding homework, and taking test given by the teacher.

Support for Teachers

>>> The teacher give additional exercises and mark and comment on students’work.
>>> The teacher monitors the class’s progress.
>>> The teacher marks students’ assignment and examination papers and gives feedback within 24 hours, and respond to any questions raised afterwards.
>>> The teacher create, release and share relevant supplementary materials and manages class discussion.
>>> The teacher may give online face-to-face tutorial to VIPs in need of help.

I Want to Join

Step 1: Click the teacher’s avatar on the right, send him a message asking for information.
Step 2: You can first audit a cloud class for experience.
Step 3: Then click . You are enrolled in the cloud class immediately after submission of your order and successful payment.