
阳阳中文(阅读版)第六册课程 扫二维码继续学习 二维码时效为半小时

中文中级课程,适用于具备较好中文能力的10-12岁学生。 学会250个字词,中文程度达到YCT4级/HSK3级水平。

Young Chinese-Developing Reading Skills, Level 6

This is a intermediate Chinese language course, which is suitable for 10-12 year-old students. You will learn 250 characters/words, and reach level YCT4/ HSK3.

$49.99  $39.99 8 折

信 N。word 

语言 Language

发信 Speech



普 Adj。general;universal

普通 Ordinary; common

普通话 Mandarin; chinese


通 V。Pass through

通过 Pass

通知 Notify

童话 Talk over phone


貌 N。looks; face

礼貌 Manners

美貌 Good looking


合 V。 combine

合影 Group photo

合作 Cooperate

合同 Contract


V。fit; suit


表 (v.)  show

表示 express

What does this indicate?


conj. and

跟着 following
跟上 catch up


prep. according to

根据 base on

据说  to be said


(v.) to make a sound

响声  sound

响亮  loud and clear


(v.) to change, to exchange, to convert

换上 change into

换鞋 change shoe

Wait for me for a moment. I will go change my clothes.


(adv.) addition; another

另外 separately, differently
另一个 another one

Junyi · 02-13 · 写字练习 0

You shi yin hue

Tau Yan 






解决 Solve; resolve; settle


(xing) awake; wake up


半 You'll need to use a measure word (Measure Word) in this structure.
Structure 半 + Measure Word + Noun

Junyi · 02-06 · 语言知识 0

育 - give birth to; raise; educate

教育 - education

体育 - sports

体育场 gym; stadium


赛 - match; compete

比赛 - competition

赛车 - racing car


乒乓 - table tennis; ping pong

乒乓球 - ping-pong ball


平 - flat; level; smooth

水平 - level

汉语水平 - chinese proficiency


排 -  row

安排 - arrange

排除 - remove/exclude

排球 - volleyball


既 - since; as

既然 - since


紧 - tight; firm

紧张 - nervous


队 - team

队友 - teammate

队长 - team leader


结 - knot

结果 - result

结冰 - freeze

打结 - to tie a know




银 adj. silver

银行 bank

银色 silver

理 n. Reason

处理 handle

理发 haircut

宾 n. Guest

宾馆 hotel

贵宾 vip

宾客 guest

半 adj. half

一半 half

半天 half a day

半年 half a year

醒 v. wake

提醒 remind

叫醒 to wake up

醒来 wake up

差v. To differ from

差一点 not good enough

差不多 almost 

差得远 differ a lot

最差 worst

很差 very bad

刻 m. Moment

时刻 all the time

立刻 immediately

决 v. decide

决定 decide

决心 determination

灯 n. Light

灯光 light

路灯 street light

灯泡 light bulb

红绿灯 traffic light

沙 n. Light

沙发 sofa

沙滩 beach

桃 n. Peach

桃花 peach blossom

桃子 peach

樱桃 cherry

封 measure word for enveloped. 

封面 cover

一封信 letter

信封 envelope


银 adj silver

银色 silver

银行 bank

理 n reason

处理 handle or deal

理发 haircut

宾 n guest

宾馆 hotel

贵宾 VIP

宾客 guest

半 adj half or middle or very little

一半 half

半天 half day

半年 half a year

醒 v wake

提醒 remind

叫醒 to wake up someone

醒来 wake up

差 v to differ from

差一点 almost or not good enough

差不多 almost

差行远 Fall for short or differ a lot

刻 m moment or quarter of an hour

时时刻刻 all the time or every moment


灯 n light or lamp

路灯 street light

灯泡 lightbulb

红路灯 traffic light

沙 n send

沙发 couch

沙滩 beach

封 measure word for something enveloped

封面 cover

信封 envelope


银 adj silver 

银行 bank

银色 silver

理 n reason

处理 handle

理发 haircut

宾 (n) guest

宾馆 hotel

贵宾 VIP

宾客 guest 

半 adj half

一半 half

半天 half day

半年 half a year

醒 v wake 

提醒 remind 

叫醒 wake up someone

醒来 wake up

差 v differ from

差一点 almost

差不多 almost

刻 moment (m)


决 (v) decides; determine

决定 decide decision 

决心 determination

灯(n) light lamp

灯光 arrange 

路灯 street light

灯泡 light bull

红绿灯 trafic light 

沙 (n) sand

沙发 sofa

沙滩 beach

桃 (n) peach

桃花 peach blossom 

桃子 peach

樱桃 cherry





育 v give birth to or raise or educate

教育 education

体育 sports

体育场 gymnasium or stadium

赛 v to match or compete

比赛 competition

赛车 racing car

乒 乓 Table tennis or ping pong

乒乓球 receive

平 adj flat or level or smooth

水平 level

汉语水平 Chinese proficiency

排 n row

安排 arrange

Expressing "both… and…" with "既。。。又"
A and B can be adjectives, verbs or short phrases. 
Most of the time A and B will be of the same form. 
既 + A + 又 + B

水平 level

排队 line up


Expressing "both… and…" with "既。。。又"
A and B can be adjectives, verbs or short phrases. 
Most of the time A and B will be of the same form. 
既 + A + 又 + B

比赛 competition; tournament

紧张 nervous

水平 level

排队 line up


Expressing "both… and…" with "既。。。又"
A and B can be adjectives, verbs or short phrases. 
Most of the time A and B will be of the same form. 
既 + A + 又 + B



育 (v)give  birth to; raise; educate 

教育 Education 

体育 sports

体育场 gymnasium; stadium 

赛  (v) match 

比赛 competition 

赛车 racing car


乒乓 table tennis; ping pong

乒乓球 ping pong ball

平 (adj) flat; level; smooth

水平 level

汉语水平 chunese proficiency

排 (n) row

安排 arrange

排除 remove/exclude

排球 volleyball

既 (conj) since; as

既然 since

紧 (adj) tight; firm


队 (n) team

队手 opponents 

队长 team leader

结 (n) knot

结果 result

结水 freeze;ice up

打结 to tie a knot

束 (m w) bundle (flowers, arrow, hair, ect) 

约束 Constraint 

一束花 a bouquet of flowers

码 yard (unit length)

号码 number of something, e.g. room phone clothes

码头 clock





银 Adj. silver

银行 Bank

银色 Silver


滨 N. guest

宾馆 Hotel

贵宾 VIP

宾客 Guest


理 N. Reason

处理 Handle; deal

理发 Haircut


沙 N. sand

沙发 Sofa

沙滩 Beach


灯 N. light; lamp

开灯 Turn on the light

关灯 Turn off the light

灯光 light

红绿灯 traffic light

路灯 street light

灯泡 light bull


封 measure word for something enveloped

封面 cover (of a publication)

信封 envelope


桃 N. peach

桃花  peach blossom

桃子  peach

樱桃 cherry


决 (v.) decide; determine

决定 decide; decision

决心 determination


醒 (v.) wake

提醒 remind

叫醒 to wake up (someone)

醒来 wake up


半 num./adj. half; middle; very little

一半 half

半天 half day

半年 half a year


差 (v.)  to differ from
(adj.)  bad; poor

差一点 almost; not good enough

差不多 almost

差得远 fall far short; ; differ a lot

最差  worst

很差  very bad


刻 (m.) moment; unkind; profound; to set a date (same as 克); quarter (of an hour)

时时刻刻 at all the time; every moment

立刻   immediately

Junyi · 01-23 · 写字练习 0

银 (adj) silver


银色 silver


宾 (noun) guest


宾馆 hotel

贵宾 VIP

宾客 guest


理 (noun) reason


理发 haircut


沙 (noun) sand


沙发 sofa


灯 (noun)light

开灯 open light

红绿灯 traffic light


封 measure word for something enveloped


封面 cover


桃 peach


樱桃 cherry


决 decide, determine


决心 determination


醒 wake


叫醒 to wake up (someone)


半 half

半天 half day


差 (v) to differ from, (adj) poor


最差  worst

刻 (m.) moment; unkind; profound; to set a date (same as 克); quarter (of an hour)


立刻 immeditatly


Zy_Z · 01-23 · 写字练习 0

Expressing "both… and…" with "both...and"
A and B can be adjectives, verbs or short phrases. 
Most of the time A and B will be of the same form. 
both + A + and + B

Zy_Z · 01-16 · 写字练习 0

[yu] 育 V. Give birth to; raise; educate (月字旁)

教育 Education

体育 Sports

体育场 Gymnasium; stadium



[ping, pang] 乒乓 Table tennis; ping-pong

乒乓球 Ping pong ball



[pai] 排 N. Row (扌)

安排 Arrang

排除 Remove/exclude

排球 Volleyball



[sai] 赛 V. Match; compete (贝字旁)

比赛 Competition

赛车 Racing Car



[ping] 平 Adj. Flat; level; smooth (干子旁)

水平 Level

汉语水平 Chinese proficiency



(ma) 码 Yard (unit of length) 石字旁

号码 Number (of something, e.g. room; phone, clothes)

码头 Dock



(dui) 队 N. Team

队友 Teamate

团队 Team



(jin) 紧 Adj. Tight; firm

紧张 Excited



(jie) 结 N. Knot

结果 Result

结冰 Freeze; ice up

打结 To tie a knot


(shu) 束 bundle (flowers, arrows, hair, etc.)

约束 Constraint

一束花  A bunch of flowers


(ji) 既 (conj.) since, as

既然 Since



Expressing "both… and…" with "既。。。又"
A and B can be adjectives, verbs or short phrases. 
Most of the time A and B will be of the same form. 
既 + A + 又 + B



Junyi · 01-16 · 写字练习 0

厌 - dislike

讨厌 dislike;hate


受 - receive

受不了/收购了 can't stand

受到 receive


流 - flow; bleeding

流泪/流眼泪 cry

流星 meteor

流行 popular


汗 - sweat

汗水 sweat

出汗/流汗 sweating


伞 - umbrella

一把雨伞  a umbrella

跳伞 to parachute


调 - transfer/mix

调高 adjust

对调  exchange


激 - sharp; excited

激动 be excited

感激 appreciate


凌 - ice

凌晨 before dawn

冰激凌/冰淇淋 ice cream


主 - god; lord

主要 mainly

主题 theme; subject

主任 owner


钥 - lock; key

钥匙  key


匙 - spoon

汤匙 soup spoon


脱 - take off

脱发 lose one's hair

脱鞋 take off one's shoes

脱下来 take off





厌- adjective- dislike

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

受 - verb - to receive - 受不了/受够了- can't stand 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

流 - verb - flow;bleeding - 流星 - meteor☄️;shooting star 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 凌-líng - noun - ice - 冰淇凌- ice- cream

_EMMA_ · 01-15 · 整课学习 0

几乎 - nearly. It is often used together with words that mean "all"


一般 - usually 


需要 - should have and must have


查 - to check or to investigate



报 (n)report

杂 (adj/v) mixed

志 (n) mark

查 (v)investigate

典 (n)dictionary

词 (n)word

历 (n)calendar

史 (n)history

桥 (n)bridge

需 (v)need

般 (n)kind

久 long

