
阳阳中文(对话版)第三册课程 扫二维码继续学习 二维码时效为半小时


Young Chinese-Developing Speaking Skills, Level 3

This is a intermediate Chinese language course, which is suitable for 8-10 year-old Non-Chinese backgrounds students. You will learn 110 characters/words and 70 disyllables, read 12 texts and tell about the contents.

$49.99  $39.99 8 折

以为考得- title (I thought I did well)

thought (yi3 wei2)

test (kao3 de2)

well (hao3)

考试考完了(after exam is over),阳阳回到家里。(went home)

爸爸问他:(dad asked him)“那些问题你能回答吗?”(can you answer those questions?)阳阳说:“能。”(yes)

妈妈问他:“那些考试题你都学过吗?”(did you study those exam questions)    阳阳说:“学过。”

姐姐问他:“那些题的意思你都懂吗?”(do you understand the meaning of those questions)阳阳说:“都懂。”(understand)




Young Chinese Team


GaviW 开始学习课时 课堂活动
GaviW 开始学习课时 整课学习
feifeijia 开始学习课时 整课学习
GaviW 开始学习课时 家庭作业
LauraGuo 开始学习课时 家庭作业