
阳阳中文(阅读版)第五册课程 扫二维码继续学习 二维码时效为半小时

中文中级课程,适用于能认读500字以上的9-11岁学生。 学会225个字词,能熟练进行口语表达,能阅读故事书。

양양중국어(읽편편)5 과정

YCT3급 이상의 8-10세 학생에 알맞는 중급 과정으로 한자 및 단어 215개를 익혀, 문장 패턴 및 간단한 언어 지식을 익히는 데에 목표를 두고 있습니다.

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只要;as long


[전체 텍스트]

如果:two part structure is very logical and concise. Also, is an often used pattern that is utilized in the same way meaning "if, then.." in English.

更:Adverb- more; even more.

敢:adj. not afraid; brave

      v. denotes having the courage to do something.

有名:adj. famous; well-known.

机会:n. chance; opportunity.

尝:v. to try; taste.


[전체 텍스트]

The 如果 ⋯⋯,就⋯⋯ two-part structure is very logical and concise, Also,  is an often-used pattern that is utilized in the same way meaning "if... then...." is in English. 
In English we sometimes drop then "then" in the second half of the sentence, and you can do the same in Chinese, dropping the 就.

敢 not scared

有名 famous.

机会 chance

场 to try

[전체 텍스트]

饿:hungry, starving

糕:cake pudding or pastries 


啤: beer

酒:wine or beer

巧: skillful, skilled, flavored

克:measured word



[전체 텍스트]

[전체 텍스트]
Cai123 · 2021-09-27 · 课文1:团圆 0






[전체 텍스트]
Cai123 · 2021-09-20 · 课文2:小树叶 0

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iris杨 님은 레슨을 배우기 시작합니다. 对话练习
iris杨 님은 레슨을 배우기 시작합니다. 写字练习