Member Schools

The Membership program covers all schools worldwide that utilize the Curriculum for Young Chinese Learners.

1. Schools

All full-time elementary or secondary schools, part-time study centers, or Chinese language schools are welcome to apply.

2. Terms

A. Approval is based on application and forms submitted. 

B. Only schools that have purchased a minimum number of 20 one-year online course access codes are eligible.

3. Free Materials

Member schools are entitled to these materials free of charge:

A. Free paper-based materials:  Standard Sets ( the same number as the number of access codes purchased for the online course):
1 textbook + 2 workbooks (for both odd numbered lessons and even numbered lessons) + 1 copybook

B.  A teacher's book will be provided if 20 or more sets of the same level are purchased. 

C. Free Cloud Classroom:  Based on the group enrolled. 

4. Application Form